Landlord Guide: Rental Property Inspections in Seal Beach, CA

Landlord Guide: Rental Property Inspections in Seal Beach, CA

Seal Beach, California, is arguably one of the best cities in the state for real estate investments. The city has seen a growth of almost 7% in property values within a span of one year.

However, this doesn't mean that landlords can just expect to find and keep tenants. You'll have to ensure you maintain your property to a certain standard if you want to have a successful rental business.

You'll need to hold regular rental property inspections. How frequent should these inspections be?

Here's what we suggest:

Initial Rental Property Inspections

As a landlord, you have a legal obligation to ensure your rental property is fit for human habitation. While the property is vacant, you should conduct rental property inspections to see if there are any issues. You'll then need to fix these issues before you hold tenant viewings.

Your inspection checklist should include checks for the following:

  • Excessive stains and dirt
  • Faulty appliances
  • Loose and broken wires
  • Leaking water
  • Damage from pets
  • Broken glass
  • Termites

You'll have to check thoroughly for all these issues beforehand. After attending to these issues, you must conduct another property inspection to check if the property is ready for viewing.

If your property remains empty for a long period of time, it's best to conduct at least one inspection every six months. Your main focus should be regular maintenance so you can reduce the number of inspections required.

Rental Property Inspections During a Lease

You can continue to hold rental property inspections when you have a tenant. However, you must include a clause in your contract that allows you to enter the property for an inspection.

These inspections must be conducted at a reasonable time that's suitable for your tenant. The tenant has the right to remain in the property during the inspection.

As a general rule, two inspections should be sufficient while you have a tenant. You can have one inspection six months into their stay. You can hold a second one a month before they leave.

At the six-month point, if you notice any issues, they must be fixed immediately. Failure to do so might cause your tenant to leave early. If any damage is caused by your tenant, you must inform them. They'll have to cover the costs of any repairs or renovations. If they're continuously irresponsible, there might be grounds for eviction.

You don't have to stress about handling inspections on your own. You can hire a rental property management company to oversee these inspections.

Open Your Doors!

Now you know the fundamentals of rental property inspections for your home in Seal Beach.

You can hold preliminary inspections during vacant periods. Your main focus should be to look after your property so that few inspections are needed. Make sure you conduct at least two inspections while you have tenants living in your property.

PMI Patron is a leading property management company for Seal Beach landlords. We have over 20 years of experience in real estate, and we look forward to speaking with you.

Let's hop on a call!
